Diabetes can affect the feet in may ways, that is why it is recommended you visit your Podiatrist annually for a Diabetic Foot Assessment.
Complications to the feet may arise if you have raised blood sugar levels for a prolonged period of time.
These may include:
To start we carry out an in-depth medical history, review your current foot health or any presenting concerns you may have.
We assess the nerve functions by checking the sensations in the feet, as well as the vascular status by palpating the pulses and using a doppler to examine the blood flow.
A thorough inspection of your nails and skin is undertaken by checking for any cuts, ulcerations or infections. Callus patterns or any high risk pressure areas can be addressed here. Structural changes can occur with diabetes, so we like to carry out an annual weight-bearing pressure plate analysis to monitor any significant changes in your foot pressures.
You will be educated on your foot status, appropriate footwear, the warning signs & symptoms to monitor and how to perform daily foot inspections effectively.
Treatment will be provided at this assessment and It is recommended by NICE guidelines to carry out this appointment at least annually. Regular Routine Podiatry is highly recommend for close monitoring and preventative treatment in the interim.