Calluses and Corns are caused by pressure or rubbing of the skin. They are not serious but can become painful if left untreated.
Warts and verrucas are caused by a virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV). These can appear flat or raised and may have tiny black dots in the centre.
We are here to help you with regular nail care or those problematic nails that may be thickened, fungal or ingrown. Providing you with the appropriate treatment to help keep you pain free.
It's important to pay close attention to your feet if you're living with Diabetes. Regular foot care is vital in addressing any concerns and ultimately preventing complications.
We use the latest fungal diagnosis testing equipment and recommended treatment to get rid of the infection and restore healthy nails and skin.
Arthritis can affect the structure of your feet as well as their function. It is important we pay close attention to your lower limbs to keep you comfortable.