For any skin, nail or foot pathologies
Full medical history taking, assessment and treatment
Treatment focused routine Podiatry
Neuro-vascular assessment, MSK review, treatment and education
Have your diagnosis confirmed within minutes
Verrutop, silver nitrate and Salicylic acid available
To aid comfort throughout treatment
A new unique relaxing treatment ( add-on to existing treatment £25 )
An emergency same day clinic visit / one-off home visit
A detailed written clinical report for other specialist departments, GP or onward referrals
For any foot, ankle or lower-limb pains
This 60 minute appointment involves an in-depth examination of the foot and lower limb biomechanics with an additional Gait Analysis
Treatment review and long-term management plan
Treating both your foot biomechanics with any Skin and/or Nail treatments in one session
Using our data-driven 3D-printed orthotics, these are specifically designed for your unique foot structures, biomechanics and gait cycle.
Conservative treatment approach
Conservative treatment approach with pain relief
Includes Local Anaesthetic, Phenolisation (Chemical ablation) to nail matrix and x2 follow up re-dressing appointments
Wilde-Pedique Medial Toenail Reconstruction is a cosmetic procure that offers a transformative solution for a healthier looking nail.
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