The software is able to interpret real life data of an individuals foot structure and directly translate this into a 3D-printed orthotics. This means that the data driven insoles are created and prescribed specifically for that individuals foot profile.
Gait and Motion technology work closely with the NHS, education & research facilities and elite athletes across the UK, Ireland and UAE. They are also partners of Materialise Motion who are pioneers in the latest comprehensive human measurement technology.
After your full MSK consultation, assessment and diagnostic findings we are able to start creating your customised orthotic prescription.
Using our Footscan we will conduct a series of static, dynamic and balance assessments to enable to us to capture the live data. This may involve jumping, running, squats, single leg stances amongst others depending on your presenting complaint.
Using our in clinic software we are able to review this real time dynamic data to identify any abnormalities, pressure points and stability against specific timings across every phase of an individuals gait cycle.
The team at Materialise which is a quality controlled manufacturing suite is where the orthotics will be 3D printed.
Once created these are returned back to our clinic ready for your appointment to be scheduled.
We will contact you once they are received at the clinic and schedule you in for a fitting appointment.